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Here is a simple exercise to help you heal and recover from tennis elbow without having to spend money on Doctors or medical treatment. ...

Practice is the key to success in any sport, and tennis is no different. If your forehand is lacking in power, accuracy, or consistency, watch this video to learn about some easy drills you can perfor ...

Serving in tennis is the flashiest part of the game, and if you've got a nasty serve you won't need the other parts of your game nearly as much. Watch this video to learn about some drills for beginni ...

The basic forehand shot in tennis is predictable for your opponent and not likely to get your very far against advanced players. This video will teach you how to put topsin on your forehand shots like ...

Tennis is much more tiring than players of other sports often give it credit for. A match is most often won by the more agile player. If you need to work on your footwork and movement to improve your ...

If you're new to tennis, you might not have realized that there are a lot of different "correct" ways to hold the racquet. These include Eastern, Western, and Continental, as well and single and doubl ...

The forehand shot is the preferred shot for many tennis players. If you feel like you've reached the limits of your current forehand shot, you should practice up and add some new techniques to it, and ...

Being more physically gifted than your opponent is only part of successful tennis. You have to have a keen mind well versed in the tactics of the game as well. This video will teach you some basic tac ...

If you've mastered the basic tennis serve, it's time to move on to the more advanced styles. If you want to put spin on your serves like Rafael Nadal instead of going for pure power, the slice serve i ...

The forehand volley is one of the most important shots in tennis, allowing you to get to the net and move the ball, far away from your opponent. Watch this video to learn the basic technique of foreha ...